ELBERT, Colo. -- A pig born without usable back legs has learned to walk on its front legs.
"To get around, I noticed he was kind of tripoding -- walking on his front legs and putting his nose on the ground to steady himself," said Ari Smith, the founder of Colorado Cutie Pigs. "Now he just balances on front legs. He’ll run. It’s pretty cool."
Miracle was one of six pigs in a litter.
"Normally if there's anything wrong with a pig, the mom will abandon it and not take care for it," Smith said.
But in this case, mom didn't abandon Miracle and cared for him just like his siblings.
"He’s seems totally fine," said Colorado Cutie Pigs owner Ari Smith. "He’s gained weight, he gets around with his siblings. He doesn’t seem to think he has any issues at all."
Smith said she's talking with a veterinary's team that rehabs animals about fitting Miracle for a wheelchair.
In the meantime, she's looking for the right home for Miracle.
"Pigs always vie for top position, so I'm pretty sure he’ll get bullied since he’s a little different," Smith said. "I just don’t have facility to keep him."
She's hoping to place Miracle with someone who has dealt with animals with special needs before.
"Pigs are like a constant, really smart, 3-year-old," Smith explained. "He [Miracle] needs a special home."
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