

Coronavirus in Colorado: COVID-19 updates for Aug. 1-Aug. 7, 2022

Posted 11:07 PM, Aug 01, 2022
and last updated 4:25 PM, Aug 05, 2022

More than 1,599,400 people in Colorado have tested positive for COVID-19 and more than 66,700 have been hospitalized as of Monday, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Click here for the latest update on the number of cases, the age, gender and location of presumptive positive, indeterminate and confirmed cases from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Below, we're updating this blog with the latest information regarding COVID-19 in Colorado.

Latest updates:

Thursday, Aug. 4

4 p.m. | Latest coronavirus data

Here's the latest COVID-19 data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

1,604,353 cases (+1,972)
66,904 hospitalized (+16)
64 counties (+0)
5,042,670 people tested (+1,797)
19,478,267 test encounters (+19,553)
13,035 deaths among cases (+7)
13,640 deaths due to COVID-19 (+11)
9,535 outbreaks (+9)

The latest hospital data, which the state is now updating only on Wednesdays, shows 268 beds in use by patients with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 45 fewer than a week ago. Colorado’s seven-day average positivity rate was 9.15%. The state’s goal is to remain below 5%.

As of Thursday, 4,554,897 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine in Colorado and 4,092,544 have been fully vaccinated.

Wednesday, Aug. 3

4 p.m. | Latest coronavirus data

Here's the latest COVID-19 data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

1,602,381 cases (+1,328)
66,888 hospitalized (+60)
64 counties (+0)
5,040,873 people tested (+1,422)
19,458,714 test encounters (+19,782)
13,018 deaths among cases (+12)
13,629 deaths due to COVID-19 (+18)
9,526 outbreaks (+13)

The latest hospital data, which the state is now updating only on Wednesdays, shows 268 beds in use by patients with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 45 fewer than a week ago. Colorado’s seven-day average positivity rate was 9.08%. The state’s goal is to remain below 5%.

As of Wednesday, 4,553,541 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine in Colorado and 4,091,296 have been fully vaccinated.

Tuesday, Aug. 2

4 p.m. | Latest coronavirus data

Here's the latest COVID-19 data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

1,601,053 cases (+1,556)
66,828 hospitalized (+85)
64 counties (+0)
5,039,451 people tested (+1,155)
19,438,932 test encounters (+8,595)
13,006 deaths among cases (+13)
13,611 deaths due to COVID-19 (+226)
9,513 outbreaks (+1)

The latest hospital data, which the state is now updating only on Wednesdays, shows 313 beds in use by patients with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 9 more than a week ago. Colorado’s seven-day average positivity rate was 9.75%. The state’s goal is to remain below 5%.

As of Tuesday, 4,552,542 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine in Colorado and 4,090,298 have been fully vaccinated.

Monday, Aug. 1

4 p.m. | Latest coronavirus data

Here's the latest COVID-19 data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. A reminder that today's state data is an aggregate from the weekend as well as Monday's.

1,599,497 cases (+3,255)
66,743 hospitalized (+55)
64 counties (+0)
5,038,296 people tested (+3,691)
19,430,337 test encounters (+43,752)
12,993 deaths among cases (+7)
13,385 deaths due to COVID-19 (-155)
9,512 outbreaks (+15)

The latest hospital data, which the state is now updating only on Wednesdays, shows 313 beds in use by patients with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 9 more than a week ago. Colorado’s seven-day average positivity rate was 9.94%. The state’s goal is to remain below 5%.

As of Monday, 4,551,525 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine in Colorado and 4,089,340 have been fully vaccinated.

Click here for the COVID-19 live blog for July 25-Aug. 31, 2022