

‘Really? Yes, really!!’: Grand Junction teen clocked at 122 mph on I-70, CSP says

Posted 8:33 PM, Jul 30, 2019
and last updated 8:35 PM, Jul 30, 2019

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — A 19-year-old driver is facing a 14-point citation after he was clocked going 122 mph on Interstate 70 in Mesa County Tuesday morning, the Colorado State Patrol tweeted.

The teen was cited for speeding and reckless driving after a State Patrol officer pulled him over around 6 a.m.

He is facing a 14-point suspension on his driver’s license, according to the CSP tweet.

“REALLY? YES REALLY!! What could be said to this young man, that would help him understand the LIVES he could have ruined, with this choice,” the tweet read.

The speed limit on that stretch of I-70 where the teen was allegedly speeding, mile marker 22 near Fruita, is 75 mph. He was going 47 mph over the limit, according to the CSP.

A State Patrol officer tweeted that the teen had just purchased the car, noting the vehicle still had temporary plates.